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The impact of mouldings in interior design

1 – Transition past present

Often, new apartments tend to be cold, due to a lack of wall decoration. The moldings, characteristic of the baroque period, and revisited by Art Deco, are full of elegance. They mix today between past and present.

The larger the room, the more you can work with the moldings.

Opt for different shades, pure white ceiling, on warm white, and cold white moldings.

Put them in light with spotlights, central suspensions, and sometimes integrated led.

2 – More overlooked doors

Do you have uninteresting doors? A successful decoration is a decoration that thinks about the smallest details! The pediment hides the upper part of the door, and brings a decorative touch to the whole, often composed of flowers or volutes. Match it with your central rose window.

3 – A frame with pictures or windows

In a period house, the mouldings will be made of wood. They will create an elegant and luminous frame, painted in white, cream or ivory. While in a modern interior, they will be rather in plaster or polystyrene. They create a pure design.

4 – A decorative wall

In addition to paintings and tapestries, use moldings as wall decorations. Since moldings are rather heavy pieces, choose a cameo of discreet colors, which will highlight them without overloading the room. Play with colors, but also shapes and patterns. There are so many choices, don’t limit yourself to simple rectangular moldings. Otherwise, buy strips instead.

The different types of mouldings

Plinth : most often has 3 elements, a smooth face, a decorative crown, and a rounding. It allows to hide the junction between the wall and the floor. 2. Cornice: decorative mouldings at the junction of the wall and the ceiling. 4. Chair rail: they give character to an empty wall. They are usually installed 85-100 cm from the floor. 5. Wainscoting: Yes, this is part of the moulding! It is often installed under the cimaise rail to add warmth. 13. Throat : rounded molding, to be put on the wall or after the cornices. 14. Exterior corner moulding: simply protects the corners. 15. Flexible moulding: flexible moulding very practical to make the roundings.

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